2015 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 6,800 times in 2015. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 6 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

Christmas, Christmas Time Is Here!


Hi everybody. It’s only 4 days til Christmas. My how the time has flown. It’s a little unbelievable.

But in spite of that, have you got your tree up?


How about the decorations?


Stockings strung up with care?


Christmas wreath on the door?


And don’t forget the mistletoe!


And of course a question everyone always asks: “Have you got your shopping done yet?”


For some, Christmas is all about religion:



For others, it’s the  magic of a child opening a present:


And singing Christmas songs to spead the joy of the holidays:


Regardless of how you will be celebrating this season,  in the end, one thing we can all agree on, it’s all about spending time with those you love:



So, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from my family to yours! Enjoy!



angelascavone | Where everyday life meets a little romance

Hi everybody. I just wanted to share this link with you. 28th I e click, you can read some of the best short Christmas stories around. All in one amazing book! How awesome is that? Even better, you can download a digital copy on Amazon for only $2.99. And we love reviews so please be sure to rate our book on Amazon and Goodreads. Thanks and enjoy!



Good morning everybody. Have you been watching t.v. lately? 💻 There are so many horrible things that have happened recent and not so recently.

For example, I was watching a Barbara Walters special the other night-American Scandal. It was about Jonbenet Ramsey. Remember her? The little 6 year old girl that was found brutally murdered and sexual assulted in her own home December 26, 1996 in Boulder, Colorado? Absolutely tragic. 😥 Even worse, they still have not found her killer nearly 19 years later. 😦 I personally think that it was the man dressed as  Santa Claus 🎅 on the night of the Ramsey’s Christmas party that year. He told Jonbenet he would make a special visit to her AFTER Christmas but that she had to keep it a secret.

And then you have all of the bombings and shootings at schools and sportings events and in people’s homes and places of business. It’s all so sad and pointless and I just don’t understand how people can do the horrendous things to each other and live with themselves.
I mean, people are being killed, lives being lost, children being abused.  It’s so so, so, so sick and disheartening. I just want to ask: “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?   DO YOU NOT SEE WHAT YOU ARE DOING??!!!”

But I degress….

My point is that almost everything you hear anymore is how people harass, hurt, injure, and kill others. It is horrible. And so depressing. Why can’t everyone just stop? Stop tormenting others, stop trying to take what they have not earned, stop destroying lives.

If everyone would live by the golden rule, then all of this tragedy would stop. You know what The GOLDEN RULE is right?


Just think about this for a minute.


* Divorce

* Fighting

* Bullying

* Robberies

* Beatings

* Drunk Driving

* Abuse

* Workplace Frustration

* Rape

* Murder

* Terrorism

* War

Wow, can you imagine how wonderful our lives, our country, our WORLD 🌎 would be?

It’s not really that hard of a concept is it?


I mean, everyone is different. We all know that. From their looks to their religions to their cultures. That is something that will never change no matter how much we might want it too. So if it can’t be changed, why not make the best of it?

Everyone should take a second and put themselves in someone else’s shoes before they said or did something and ask themselves there’s, simple, BASIC questions:

1. Would I want to be hated, abused, raped, or killed?

2. How would I feel if they did this to me or to one of my family members?

The answer is easy.

You would feel horrible. You wouldn’t want that to happen to your family or friends. So why do it to someone else or their family or friends?


Respect everyone’s differences and beliefs as long as those differences and beliefs don’t involve hurting or killing others.

Life is too short to be miserable and hard enough without causing disrespect, violence, and death to those around us.

This should be easy for those of us with any kind of a heart and soul. Or with any conscience or shred of human decency.

I know this is an ideallyic wish. But unfortunately not a realistic one. There are so many people in this world that are evil. Warped by those sick people around them or possibly born with defects that cause them to not just care. And those indivuals corrupt others. It’s a never ending circle of tragedy.

But those of us that actually care should never give up trying to treat each other with respect and love.

So my challenge to you is to make next year the
